Articles on: General Support

System Requirements

Big Interview is a cloud-based service that runs primarily on HTML5 in a Web browser.
We support the following Browsers and Operating Systems:


Latest version of Google Chrome (Although other browsers are supported, we highly recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience possible.)

Latest version of Mozilla Firefox

Latest version of Microsoft Edge


On the OS-side, we support users running a minimum of Windows 7, or Mac OS X v10.12 ("Sierra")

Your browser must be a stable release version, not an Alpha/Beta/Nightly/Development build. This applies to all browsers, regardless of operating system.

Make sure your computer meets or exceeds the minimum hardware requirements for your operating system (Windows or Mac OS X). See the Microsoft or Apple website for the requirements.

Keep in mind that 3rd party browser plugins (specifically adblockers and script-blockers) can interfere with your Big Interview experience.


We have a dedicated mobile app that permits recording and is available on the Apple App Store and Android / Google Play Store.

On tablet web browsers, most of the site is compatible. However mobile and tablet web browsers do not currently support in-browser recording (like on desktop browsers).


For reliable video/audio recording, please make sure you have a consistent upload speed of at least 2Mbps.

To do a check of your connection, you can use

Updated on: 30/03/2021

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