Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Written by Katie Christian

Updated over a week ago

PLEASE NOTE: the info below mostly relates to consumer accounts only (and not school, library or government-related user accounts)

Q. How does the pricing work?

A. For a regular user, the price is monthly. One month's access to the complete Lesson Curriculum, Interview Practice Tool, Question Library, Answer Builder, and more is just $79. You can read more at

For organizations, we offer multi-user licenses/subscriptions. Click here

Q. How do I cancel or update billing for my account?

A. You can find these options on the MY ACCOUNT

Q. I signed up twice because my credit card didn’t go through the first time. Should I be worried about being charged twice?

A. No. You shouldn’t actually be charged twice, but if for some reason that’s the case – you’ll receive an immediate refund – so no worries. If all goes wrong, just email us at

Q. My spouse and I are both job searching. If I subscribe to Big Interview, can I set up multiple profiles in my account?

A. When purchasing Big Interview, you get the equivalent of a household license. So you, your spouse, your kids, can use Big Interview. There are no individual profiles yet, but it doesn’t prevent you from having multiple family members under one account. 

Q. I signed up and was expecting a confirmation email. What happened?

A. Chances are it got caught in the spam filter. There are two spam filters in fact. There’s the one that goes to your Bulk Mail folder (where you can check for the missing email). But there’s also an ISP spam filter that may not allow the email to even get to your email address (in which case you wouldn’t even see it your spam filter).

If you can't find your confirmation email after checking, and can't login to your account, send us an email at

Q. I can’t hear my mic… HELP!

Make sure your mic (and webcam) is not being used by another device at the same time.

If you have Skype or Google hangout going, or if the default mic/webcam software is engaged – it might not let you use your mic device.

Also, as a general rule, always ensure you're using the latest STABLE version of your browser (meaning not an old version, or a new beta version).

Q. I can’t see myself on the webcam… HELP.

Make sure your webcam is not being used by another device at the same time.

If you have Skype or Google Hangout going, or if the default webcam software is engaged – it might not let you use your webcam device.

Also, as a general rule, always ensure you're using the latest STABLE version of your browser (meaning not an old version, or a new beta version).

Updated on: 30/03/2021

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